Webinar Vibration Monitoring

Webinar – Vibrational Monitoring using IoT Wireless Sensors

Vibrational Monitoring using IoT Wireless Sensors

New SHM Wireless Accelerometers with relative synchronization:

The importance of Vibrational Structural Monitoring and the advantages of wireless sensors systems.

“Over the years, the structural typology of modern buildings has changed, making them leaner and lighter. At the same time, sources of vibration have increased, in particular those generated by human activity such as car and rail traffic, or those resulting from the use of fixed and mobile machinery. These two aspects have highlighted the problem of vibrations in buildings, construction sites and road infrastructures as they are the cause of both disturbance to occupants and structural damage. “

Follow the Webinar - Vibration Monitoring with Move Solutions

Ferdinando Frediani, Co-Founder & Managing Director Move Solutions.

14 May 2021 – 03:00 PM (GMT+2:00)