Introducing the new repository feature on MyMove

Enhancing collaboration and streamlining project management 

We are excited to announce the latest update to the MyMove IoT Platform, introducing the Repository feature—a significant enhancement designed to improve project management and internal collaboration across teams. Users are now able to upload, store, preview, and share essential project documents directly within the platform. This new capability makes MyMove not just a powerful tool for Structural Health Monitoring but also a central hub for all project-related information. 

Why the Repository feature matters 

Efficient communication and easy access to critical project data are essential for successful infrastructure monitoring and management. The new Repository feature on MyMove addresses this by offering a convenient way to store and share all relevant documents in one place. No more searching through multiple platforms or emails to find inspection reports, design documents, or project photos—everything can now be uploaded and accessed directly on MyMove, streamlining the entire process. 

Key features of the repository 

  1. Document storage: users can now upload documents in a variety of formats, including PDF, Excel, Word, and image files (jpg, jpeg, png). Whether it’s an inspection report, project plan, photo of the structure, or sensor data, you can securely store all relevant documents directly in the MyMove platform. 
  2. Preview and download: once a document is uploaded, it can be easily previewed and downloaded by other team members. This allows everyone involved in the project to access the necessary files in real time, promoting faster decision-making and smoother collaboration. 
  3. File management: the Repository provides basic file management tools, allowing users to rename or delete files as needed, ensuring that the information stored remains current and relevant to the project. 
  4. Storage capacity: each user is allocated up to 500 MB of storage, providing ample space to store key project files, images, and reports. 

How this improves team collaboration 

One of the most significant advantages of the Repository feature is how it facilitates collaboration between various teams involved in a project. From engineers to project managers, everyone can now access the same set of documents, ensuring that all team members are aligned and have the latest information. For example: 

  • Project teams can upload initial design documents and blueprints directly to the platform, making it easier for field engineers to consult these documents during installation or monitoring. 
  • Inspection reports and photos taken during site visits can be uploaded and immediately shared with other team members, ensuring that everyone has access to real-time data and visual information about the structure’s current condition. 
  • Charts and graphs generated from MyMove analytics can be stored for later review or discussion during team meetings, enhancing the ability to track trends and plan interventions. 

Streamlining project workflows 

With all project-related documents available on a single platform, MyMove is now more than just an IoT monitoring solution—it’s a comprehensive project management tool. Teams no longer need to rely on external file-sharing systems or lose time searching for files in different places. Everything related to the structure and its monitoring can be found right inside MyMove, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. 

How to Access the Repository 

The Repository feature is easy to find. Simply log in to your MyMove account and navigate to the left-hand menu under the Reports section. From there, you can start uploading and managing your documents, making it a seamless addition to your everyday workflow. 

This new update demonstrates our continued commitment to improving the MyMove platform, ensuring that it not only offers top-tier Structural Health Monitoring but also supports effective project management and collaboration. We believe the Repository feature will greatly enhance your team ability to work together and optimize project workflows, providing a smoother and more efficient experience for all users. 

Stay tuned for future updates, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback!