Webinar – Ensuring safety: Structural Health Monitoring in critical areas


Marc Flo

Sales Manager

Emmanuel Durand

Civil Engineer

Ensuring safety: Structural Health Monitoring in critical areas

Join us for an insightful webinar with Emmanuel Durand, a renowned French civil engineer who will share his experience in monitoring the silos in Beirut.

Two years after the explosion that caused the death of 220 people, some of the silos that had remained standing collapsed at the end of August 2022. However, this time, Emmanuel Durand was able to avoid any further casualties or injuries, thanks to Move Solutions Smart Structural Health Monitoring sensors. Our SHM system specializes in remote and non-destructive monitoring, using intelligent wireless sensors that allow for continuous and real-time monitoring of the health status of structures.

During this webinar Durand will also share insights about his latest monitoring project in Turkey, where, supported by our smart SHM systems, he is on a mission to keep people safe, ensuring that the remaining buildings are structurally sound in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Marc Flo, Sales Manager

Emmanuel Durand, Civil Engineer (Amann Engineering)

Thursday, March 09, 2023 – 8AM (PT) – 11AM (ET) – 5PM (CET)

30 minutes


Watch the webinar recording!

Due to technical problems, this webinar was recorded a second time in a private session, with the additional participation of Ambra Scotolati, Move Solutions marketing strategist.